
2013-2022 Security Coordinator Stockholm, Sweden
2013-2022, Heimrisks Services were contracted in autumn 2013 to provide security consultation to private family in Stockholm and this is a on going assignment and no further information will be disclosed.

2013 EU Delegation Kabul, Afghanistan
2013, Heimrisks Services, owner were contracted first time in 2009 to provide protective services to EU diplomats working in Kabul on the EU delegation. In 2009 contracted to the mobile protection team. 2013 contracted as CPO by Page Group once again this time to the close protection team for the EU Ambassador, and other diplomats.

2011-2012 Swedish Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan
2011-2012, Contracted as CPO by Vesper Group to provide diplomatic protection for Swedish diplomats operating in and around Kabul region. Responsibilities were mainly protective measures around VIP as team leader for team 2. Including liaison with other embassies and ministries as well as Swedish security services.

2008 Convoy Security Kandahar, Afghanistan
2008, Heimrisks Services owner was contracted by Compass ISS to provide jet fuel convoy security to Kandahar Air force base (KAF) operating from convoy support centre outside Kandahar. Acting as team leader to Nepalese Ghurkhas on convoy security operations.

2006 Security Driving Training Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2006 Heimrisks Services, were contracted by ABB in Saudi Arabia to provide security driving training. This were the first training programs of several courses over several years. Training program was developed to give company security drivers the knowledge and understanding of vehicle operations in various risk, contact situations. Focus on security awareness, avoidance, escape and confront […]

2004 Saudi Royal Family Copenhagen, Denmark
2004 Heimrisks Services were contracted by Metropolitan Limited in London, UK to provide mobile protective services to 4 members of the Saudi Royal Family on their visit to Copenhagen. Our key role were to provide close protection operatives and managing the daily movement.

2007-2008 Civilian Police Assistance Training Team Iraq
2007-08, Heimrisks Services owner was contracted by BLP International to provide basic police training in Numaniyah Iraq in the civilian police assistance training team. Autumn 2007 to winter 2008, He provided first aid training, basic police training to high risk building and room clearance drills.